Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Secretariat Invites bidding for the purchase of Stationery Goods for the Year 2024-25 . All the tax paying firms are invited to participate in the process.Advertisements

A Corrigendum has been issued to AJ&K PPRA for correctness of bidding date as 29-08-2023 instead of 22-08-2023.
The corrigendum can be downloaded form below link.
Mohtasib Secretariat AJK invites sealed bidding form eligible firms for the financial year 2023-24 for the supply of Office use Stationery Items. Details can be obtained from room # 27 ,D Block DHQ complex Muzaffarabad during office hours.
Open the link below to download the details of items and bidding documents.

Details & specifications of items and bidding document can be downloaded from below link.